Under the project, IBSER experts will develop a methodology and evaluate the financial management system in the amalgamated territorial hromadas (ATH). This methodology will be based on international best practice for evaluating public financial management, strategic planning, estimating the effectiveness of budget programs and the management decision-making system in hromadas.
The methodology will include:
• General information about ATH.
• Organizational structure of the hromada.
• Transparency and openness of the budget.
• Strategic management and readiness to implement medium-term budget planning.
• Formation of hromada budget revenues.
• Effective management of budget expenditures.
• Asset management in ATH.
• Organization of public procurement.
• Internal financial control and internal audit.
• The level of process automation in ATH.
The developed methodology will be presented for discussion to all stakeholders before a pilot trial, which will be conducted in 15 amalgamated territorial hromadas.