
Extractive Industry in Subcarpatia Becoming More Transparent
31 January 2017

On 31 January, presentation of tax payments by mineral users in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast was conducted at the New Energy Science City  of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University.

The representatives of the Bureau for Development, Innovational, and Technologies (BRIT) NGO and the USAID MFSI-II Project say the Second Report of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Ukraine for the year 2014-2015 will soon be made public. The Report contains information about each of the extractive industries, production outputs, export and import of minerals, transmission of oil and gas, and results of reconciliation of tax and non-tax payments of business entities, the data about beneficiary owners, and disclosure of payments on the regional level. For representatives of the effective civil society, the Report will be a important tool for the promotion of transparency in extractive industries and disclosure of information by extractive companies, and help improve awareness of the general public about EITI and its importance for citizens of Ukraine.

The experts have noted that problems related to EITI implementation in Ukraine, viz.: Poor efficiency in using additional financial resources by local governments within the framework of revenue redistribution in the process of decentralization; inefficient use of resources by extractive companies; and opaque ownership structure of main extractive assets in the oblast.

The BRIT NGO has also awarded the winners of a competition of media articles on the range of problems related to the operation of Ivano-Frankivsk oblast extractive industries, conducted with financial support of USAID. The winners were given certificates and cash prizes.

For more detail about the journalistic competition, see this video:

The List of Works Submitted for the Competition


Surname, first name

Media organization, where work was published

Work name and reference


Surovska, Olha

The Reporter newspaper

Стаття «Нафта виходить із тіні»


Yuzkiv, Yulia

OTB Galychyna

Програма «Актуальне інтерв’ю»


Berezovskyi, Yurii

Ivano-Frankivski novyny BRIZ

Стаття «Поки пани чубляться, громади залишаються сам на сам з проблемами»




Wikna Website

Стаття «На Калущині видобуватиме газ донецька фірма, яка може бути пов’язана із Фірташем»


Kanius, Yulia

News Website Internet Publication

Стаття "Завдяки чому університету Нафти і Газу вдалося залучити приватні кошти на облаштування двох сучасних лабораторій"