One more publication!

One more publication!
23 June 2010
One more publication!
Innovative Practices: Experience of Pilot Regions

     IBSER experts, working as part of Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI) project implemented with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), have prepared the second issue of the annual publication Innovative Practices: Financial Management at the Local Level, which is intended to highlight the achievements of the pilot designed for implementation of Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) in Ukraine at the national and local levels.
     The collection contains the materials provided by MFSI partner-cities, which provide examples of efficient planning and utilization of budget funds for the benefit of cities and their citizens.
     The MFSI project goal is strengthening the capacity of cities to plan and finance municipal development projects, in particular those intended for improving the municipal infrastructure, by means of increasing their own financial resources and attracting alternative sources for financing of local development.


An electronic version (Ukrainian) of this publication is available in the Research and Materials / Other Publications section at the IBSER website.