6th Financial and Economic Forum

6th Financial and Economic Forum
24 June 2010
6th Financial and Economic Forum
The Sixth Financial and Economic Forum Held in Kyiv
     The Sixth Financial and Economic Forum entitled Raising the Competitiveness of the Ukrainian Economy and Government Efficiency: Steps of the Budget Policy in 2010-2014 was held at the Grand Conference Hall of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences on 24--25 June 2010. The event was organized by the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER), which is implementing the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI) project with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
     The relevance of the event is due to the launch of the Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State program of economic reforms in Ukraine for the years 2010-2014.
     The Forum concentrated on discussing the tasks and prospects for implementing reform of public finance, as well as the ways of strengthening the fiscal capacity of local government.
     The Director of the Department of Local Budgets at the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance, Halyna V. Karp familiarized the Forum participants with the results produced by the Interdepartmental Working Group at the Ministry of Finance in the area of developing methodological foundations and methodology recommendations for implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method at the local level.
     A comprehensive presentation was also made at the Forum of the results of PPB piloting in the Zhytomyr, Luhansk, and Lviv oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2008-2009.
     The Deputy Minister of Finance of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Volodymyr Levandovsky and representatives of Principal Finance Directorates of the Zhytomyr, Luhansk, and Lviv Oblast State Administrations have familiarized the Forum participants with the experience and challenges of practical PPB implementation at the local level, with the social and economic impact from implementation of individual local PPB-based projects, as well as with the methodological principles of using PPB and medium-term budget planning for improving the investment attractiveness of infrastructural development projects.
     Summing up the event, the participants discussed further plans and steps for PPB implementation based on medium-term approach starting in 2014.
     Taking part in the Forum were more than 40 representatives from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Housing and Communal Services, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine, Principal Finance Directorates of the Lviv, Luhansk, and Zhytomyr Oblast State Administrations and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, representatives of scientific community, and civil sector leaders.
     The Forum proceedings were covered by 17 reporters from the national media outlets, as well as eight regional journalists from Zhytomyr, Luhansk, Lviv, and Mariupol.
     Based on the findings of the Financial and Economic Forum, recommendations will be prepared and distributed among all the stakeholders.

     The agenda and other Forum materials are available in the Events section of our website.