Regional consultations

Regional consultations
24 July 2010
Regional consultations
Regional trainings on PPB implementation at the local level

     In July IBSER continued working proactively towards implementing the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method for budget planning and execution in the Ukrainian regions selected as part of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Project, which is implemented with support of USAID.
     In particular, MFSI project/IBSER experts conducted a round of training workshops and consultations on preparing budget programs in the areas of education, healthcare, housing and communal services for the year 2010 in pilot cities located in Zhytomyr and L’viv oblasts and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The consultation schedule was as follows:

- the Autonomous Republic  of Crimea:
     30 June - 1 July 2010 – city of Saky, Education sector;
     2 July 2010  - city of Saky, Housing & Communal sector.
     19-20 July  - budget of AR of Crimea - Education and Healthcare sectors;
     21 July   - city of Dzhankoy - Education and Housing & Communal Services sectors;
     22-23 July - city of Simferopol (district budgets) - Education, Healthcare, Housing & Communal Services sectors.

- Zhytomyr oblast:
     7 July   - all pilot districts of Zhytomyr oblast (PPB experiment participants) –Education and Healthcare sectors;
     8-9 July - city of Zhytomyr - Education, Healthcare, Housing & Communal Services sectors.
     14 July   - Zhytomyr oblast budget - Education and Healthcare sectors;
     16 July   - city of Zhytomyr - all sectors;
     16 July - city of Malyn - Education, Healthcare, Housing & Communal Services sectors.
     28 July   - Zhytomyr city budget - all sectors;
     29 July   - Zhytomyr oblast budget - Education and Healthcare sectors.

- L’viv oblast:
     6 July   - city of Morshyn - for Education, Healthcare, Housing & Communal Services sectors;
     8 July   - city of Truskavets - for Education, Healthcare, Housing & Communal Services sectors.

     Consultations targeted the regional representatives of the key spending units, lower-level spending units, and the specialists of Finance Directorates who coordinate activities in these areas.