IBSER Helping the Media

IBSER Helping the Media
10 September 2010
IBSER Helping the Media
IBSER Helping the Media to Work with Financial Analysis Professionally 

     A training workshop “How to Write Simply about Complex Things: Finance, Budget, Taxes? How to Work with Financial Analysis Professionally?” took place in Kyiv on 10 September 2010. The event was attended by 14 editors and journalists of national and regional media outlets. The event was sponsored by the Ukrainian Association of Periodicals Publishers (UAPP) with information support provided by the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER). Iryna Shcherbyna, Director General of IBSER, was invited as a special guest and the moderator of the training workshop.
     The Budget Institute, which works actively in the financial arena and in particular in the area of increasing the influence of the public on fiscal and economic processes through the dissemination of information and the implementation of educational programs, and which understands the importance of knowledge in the area of finance and more professional coverage of financial matters in the national and regional media, has supported the initiative of the Ukrainian Association of Periodicals Publishers (UAPP) and partnered with them in conducting this event.
     In the course of this one-day workshop, the participants learned how to professionally and competently work with analytical and expert material on the issues of budget, taxes, and finance; what are trustworthy sources for financial and budget analytical reports; how this information should be read and what it really means; how to choose experts and how to avoid distorting the information following communication with an expert; what is successful and what is faulty "analysis" in the context of "saving the publication's face."
     The following comments and evaluations emerged after reviewing the participants' feedback questionnaires:
     Oksana Ilnytska, journalist, RIA Media Corporation: “Budget formulation and financial flows have been explained in an easy to understand form. I especially liked the explanation of complex economic terms in human language, as well as a critique of financial issues using examples from specific publications."
     Andriy Sobutskyi, journalist, Simya i Dim Media Group: “The training has made a very positive impression on me thanks to a combination of a concise and, at the same time, a thorough presentation of the subject matter. There were a lot of real-life examples and a lively atmosphere contributing to communication and experience-sharing with my colleagues.” 

     You can find more in-depth information on the training agenda, participants, and the project under which the event was conducted at the UAPP website: