PPB training workshops in Kyiv

PPB training workshops in Kyiv
29 September 2010
PPB training workshops in Kyiv
A Series of PPB Training Workshops Launched for Kyiv Municipal Staff

     Under the aegis of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Project supported by USAID, in particular, of its component intended for the further implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method for local budgets, the experts of the Institute of Budget have launched a series of training workshops and consultations on formulating draft programs, draft passports of budget programs, and draft budgets for the City of Kyiv and ten city district for the years 2011-2013 based on Performance Program Budgeting.
     The audience of the training events delivered in September 2010 included more than 200 specialists from finance and line departments of the KyivRada Executive Authority (KMDA) and directorates of district State administrations of the city of Kyiv.


     The participants discussed the following main issues in the course of the training workshops:
          - tasks and activities of PPB implementation at the local level; 
          - PPB for the formulation and execution of a local budget: Overview;
          - key conditions for PPB implementation: Strategic planning and medium-term budget planning;
          - a budget program and performance indicators of budget programs;
          - filling out budget requests for preparing a draft local budget for the planned year based on PPB;
          - requirements to compiling a budget program passport; monitoring and analysis of budget program performance;
          - responsible implementers of budget programs and special characteristics of their participation in the budget process.

     Training sessions were delivered according to the following schedule:
          14 September - training for representatives of the Principal Finance Directorate of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KCSA); Kyiv City district State Administrations; and KCSA’s Principal Directorate of Economy and Investments;
          15-16 September - training for representatives of the Principal Directorate of Education and Science of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KCSA); KCSA’s Principal Finance Directorate; finance directorates and education and science directorates of the Kyiv City district State Administrations.
          21-22 September – for representatives of the Principal Directorate for Social Protection of the Population of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Service for Children’s Affairs of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA);  Principal Finance Directorate of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority; the respective directorates of the Kyiv City District State Administrations and finance directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations;
          22-23 September - for representatives of the Principal Directorate of Culture and Arts of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Principal Finance Directorate of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority; respective directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations and finance directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations.
          27-28 September – for specialists of the Principal Directorate of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Principal Directorate for Family and Youth of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Directorate for Women, Disabled Persons, War Veterans, and Labor of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Principal Finance Directorate of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority; respective directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations, as well as finance directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations.
          28-29 September – for specialists of the Principal Directorate of Health and Medical Provision of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority (KMDA); Principal Finance Directorate of the Kyiv Rada Executive Authority; respective directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations and finance directorates of Kyiv City District State Administrations.


     The training workshops and consultations, which will also continue in October 2010, will cover all the elements needed for formulating the Kyiv City budget and budgets of the city districts in every sector of municipal spending.