IBSER works with the Draft Tax Code

IBSER works with the Draft Tax Code
08 October 2010
IBSER works with the Draft Tax Code
MFSI/IBSER Experts Engaged in Finalizing the Draft Tax Code

     On 7 October 2010, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved in the first reading the Draft Tax Code submitted by the Cabinet of Ministers (Reg. No. 7101-1).
     The document was supported by 258 MPs out of 420 registered as present in the hall.
     According to the decree regarding the approval of the Draft Tax Code in the first reading, the VR Committee on Tax and Customs Policy is now directed to prepare the draft for the second reading within two weeks, taking into account the suggestions and comments made by MPs.
     In order to elaborate the proposals to the Draft Tax Code of Ukraine and prepare a revised version to be included into a comparative table for the second reading, this parliamentary committee has set up working groups to finalize the document and has appointed persons to be in charge of this activity.
     It should be noted that the working groups on finalizing the sections and provisions of the Draft Tax Code on the issues of local taxes and fees, in particular those related to property tax and the simplified system of taxation, have brought on board Artem Rudyk, director of the Department of Tax Policy and Monitoring at IBSER, who is also an active member of the Public Board at the parliamentary Committee on Tax and Customs Policy.
     As part of the implementation of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Project (MFSI/USAID), IBSER experts take an active part in drafting legislative bills and supporting the new laws and legislative amendments essential for strengthening the financial capacity of local budgets.