Press Tour to Zhytomyr

Press Tour to Zhytomyr
22 November 2010
Press Tour to Zhytomyr
Press Tour for national and Zhytomyr oblast media outlets

     The Institute of Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine arranged a press tour to the city of Zhytomyr on 22 November 2010. The press tour participants included over 20 journalists representing the oblast, municipal, and rayon media outlets of the Zhytomyr Oblast, as well as correspondents of the national media. The press tour was organized as part of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI) project implemented by IBSER with support from USAID.

     The event was intended to familiarize the participants with the results and practical experience of implementing  the Performance Program Budgeting method of planning and execution of local budgets, which is carried out as part of the experiment approved by the Ministry of Finance Order of 2 August 2010, No.805 "The Main Approaches to Implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting Method for the Formulation and Execution of Local Budgets."


     A meeting of the Zhytomyr Press Club of Reforms entitled Results and Practical Experience of Implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting Method in the Zhytomyr Oblast took place as part of the press tour. This meeting was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Institute of Budget, Principal Finance Directorate of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration, line directorates of the Zhytomyr City Council, and heads of organizations/institutions of Zhytomyr Oblast.
     After the meeting, the journalists visited some of the institutions in Zhytomyr Oblast that are taking an active part in the experiment, and became familiar with the best practices of financial planning and practical experience of effective management using progressive methods (PPB).
     In particular, the press tour participants visited a number of locations in the city of Zhytomyr, namely:
          - General Educational Institution No.25;


          - Central City Hospital No.1;


          - Facilities of the KP EMZO Misksvitlo Municipal Street Lighting Enterprise.


     The work of implementing PPB at the local level is carried out pursuant to the 2010-2014 Program of Economic Reforms of the President of Ukraine entitled Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State, new version of the Budget Code of Ukraine dated 8 July 2010, No.2456-VI, and the Concept of Local Budget Reform approved by the Ordinance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 23 May 2007, No.308-r (with revisions dated 21 July 2010, No.1467).