Presentation of new NISS project

Presentation of new NISS project
08 December 2010
Presentation of new NISS project
A New Dialog Launched between the Government and the Public Regarding European Integration

     IBSER experts took part in the presentation and the first plenary meeting of the National Convent of Ukraine towards the EU project, which took place at the Ukrainian House on 8 December 2010.
     The project is implemented by the National Institute of Strategic Studies with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research in partnership with the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Bratislava) with support from the Slovak Development Foundation (Slovak Aid) and the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
     The National Convent of Ukraine Towards the EU project is intended to launch a nationwide debate on the ways of Ukraine’s movement to the European Union.
     Over the course of negotiations on an Ukraine-EU Association Agreement and the implementation of the Ukraine-EU Association Agenda, an extremely pressing issue that will have to be dealt with is building an effective, ongoing dialog between the wider public and the representatives of government authorities, politicians and experts with regard to ways of implementing Ukraine’s European Integration strategy.
As part of the Convent, it is planned to set up four working groups to be made up of the representatives of government authorities, experts, NGOs, and business. These groups will focus on preparing policy recommendations for the government representatives charged with negotiating the Ukraine-EU Agreement on Political Association.
     The IBSER/MFSI experts intend to actively participate in two working groups of the National Convent in the areas Ukraine-EU: On the Road to a Free Trade Zone and The Regional Dimension of European Integration Strategy of Ukraine: Regional Development and Interregional Cooperation.
     The event was attended by the representatives of government agencies, research institutions, NGOs, mass media, and diplomatic missions accredited in Ukraine.