Round table at the Institute of Demography

Round table at the Institute of Demography
20 January 2011
Round table at the Institute of Demography

Development of human resources as a prerequisite of economic reform


    IBSER General Director Iryna Shcherbyna participated in a round table ’The Year 2025: New Demographic Challenges for Ukraine’ devoted to examining the risks, problems and potential solutions linked to the present demographic and human resources situation in Ukraine.

   The event, which took place at the M.V. Ptukha Institute of Demography and Social Studies under the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences on 20 January 2011, was attended by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, government Mykola Azarov, governmetn off of Science on 20 January 2011, was attended by Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov, governmofficials, ministers, and representatives of international organizations, civil sector, and the media.

    The round table’s participants analyzed the demographic challenges for Ukraine related primarily to the aging of the population and in particular the workforce, the financial incapacity of the current pension system, and lack of personnel in the economic sectors that are meant to be the engines of economic growth. The discussion also covered the ways to stimulate the social mobility of the population, alleviate migration risks, and raise the educational levels and skills of the employable population.

    According to the experts, reducing the risks linked to an aging population and declining numbers of the most economically active age groups must stem from reducing the incidence of early mortality, increasing birth rates, stimulating replacement migration, improving the quality and status of mathematical and engineering education, developing continuous education, retargeting the public health system from medical treatment to prevention, and aligning the vocation training system priorities with the real needs of the labor market.

    In the medium- to long-term, Ukraine will have to change the ideology of its social safety net from “supporting the poor” to “stimulating the active" with a transition from an extensive to intensive scenario of economic development, and develop a positive social climate that allows it to overcome dependent behaviors in society.

    Prime Minister of Ukraine Mykola Azarov assured the attendees that the Government is prepared to consider the analytical materials and recommendations prepared by the roundtable and implement the proposals suggested by members of the expert panel.