Consulting for Kyiv

Consulting for Kyiv
27 January 2011

The process of formulation of Kyiv's PPB-based budget for 2011 is on


    The Kyiv City Council will consider the Kyiv city budget based on PPB at its meeting in February 2011. This is a result of proactive and effective collaboration between IBSER and the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA) as part of the implementation of MFSI Project tasks.

    During November 2010 through January 2011, while the Kyiv city budget was being formulated,, MFSI/IBSER actively assisted KCSA. They carried out a large-scale series of training events and consultations for key spending units of the City of Kyiv on the issues of Performance Program Budgeting (PPB).

    On 27 January 2011, the MFSI experts delivered the last consultation on the practical aspects of formulating budget programs and PPB-based performance indicators. The event was attended by 17 leading specialists from KCSA and the Kyiv city district State administrations’ departments of education, social protection, healthcare, housing and communal services, and capital construction.