Training in Kherson

Training in Kherson
25 February 2011
Training in Kherson

Budget Institute workshop for senior officials in Kherson oblast

    IBSER delivered a training workshop in Kherson on 25 February 2011. The workshop focused on Innovations in Budget Legislation, PPB and Medium-Term Planning, Development Budget and Other Sources and Implementation Mechanisms for Investment Projects. Participants included 30 senior officials of the Kherson Oblast State Administration and district State administration, Southern Regional Office of the Center for Adapting the Civil Service to European Union Standards, School of Senior Civil Service, and the Kherson Oblast Branch of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine.

    IBSER’s experts trained the participants on linking a district’s development strategies with its budget, assuring the efficiency of the expenditures allocated for achieving such strategies, as well as how to conduct the budget program’s performance monitoring and evaluation.

    IBSER provides partner assistance to the Support to Civil Service Reform in Ukraine project. Included in this project is an integrated training program developed for senior officials of Kherson Oblast local executive authorities for the year 2011, and the workshop was conducted as part of Training Module 4: Local Finance and Financial Management.

    This program is designed to develop a highly skilled management corps for the regional level, with their learning the leadership and managerial skills needed to quickly respond to the requirements and challenges arising in connection with the implementation of economic and administrative reform.

    The program is implemented by the School of Senior Civil Service with support from UNDP and the Government of Ireland.