Regional Coordinating Meetings are over

Regional Coordinating Meetings are over
20 April 2011
Regional Coordinating Meetings are over

A Series of Regional Coordinating Meetings for New Participants of PPB Pilot Completed


    Experts of the MFSI Project and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine have completed a series of regional coordinating meetings and trainings for the new participants in the PPB local level pilot program. The latest events were held in Simferopol on 14 April 2011, and in Zhytomyr on 19 and 20 April.

   The meeting in Simferopol was devoted to discussing the main principles of conducting the PPB experiment in the pilot regions. Besides the Ministry of Finance, the leadership of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local budget personnel, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Principal Directorate of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, city mayors and their deputies, heads of district State administrations, and directors of the respective Finance Directorates, in total 45 persons.

    The final events in the series of regional coordinating meetings were held in Zhytomyr. They were attended by nearly 60 representatives of the Zhytomyr Oblast State Administration and pilot budget personnel from Zhytomyr Oblast. Later on the same day, the Ministry of Finance conducted a seminar on the issues of PPB implementation at the local level with representatives of key oblast budget spending units, the Principal Finance Directorate, and Principal Directorate of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Zhytomyr Oblast.

     On 20 April 2011, the Budget Institute delivered training seminars on instructive materials regarding current participants’ implementation of the Performance Program Budgeting method at the local level in Zhytomyr oblast. The training was attended by 19 representatives from the relevant directorates of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in Zhytomyr Oblast, finance and line directorates and departments of education and science, healthcare, labor and social protection, physical culture and sports, and others.

    At the end of May 2011, IBSER will launch a large-scale series of training workshops focusing on the practical aspects of PPB application for the new participants.

    These meetings held are part of the implementation of tasks under the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative project supported by USAID, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine No.805 of 2 August 2010, which sets forth the main approaches to implementing the Performance Program Budgeting method for the formulation and execution of budgets in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Zhytomyr, Luhansk, and Lviv oblasts.