Round Table in Kyiv

Round Table in Kyiv
27 April 2011
Round Table in Kyiv

Discussing the Issues of Ukraine’s Financial Stability

    On 27 April 2011, the Institute of Budget joined in a roundtable on how to ensure Ukraine’s financial stability given the state of its post-crisis economy. The roundtable, took place at the National Institute for Strategies Studies (NISS).
    The issues in the agenda included ways to mitigate the risk of financial destabilization, benchmarks, priorities, and tools for modernizing
Ukraine’s current financial and economic systems as a precondition for assuring its long-term financial sustainability. NISS presented an analytical report describing the key problems brought up for debate at the roundtable.
    The event was attended by the staff of research institutions and think-tanks, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and members of the press. 
    In the course of debating these issues, the participants came to the conclusion that the most-pressing task in this environment is to modernize the financial system with an eye on strengthening its stability, as this would give a chance not only to minimize the negative impact of the post-crisis economic recession on Ukraine, but also ensure openness of the national economy to new opportunities for development and the nation's joining the group of rapidly developing countries.