Presentation at KSMA

Presentation at KSMA
03 June 2011
Presentation at KSMA

MFSI project presented at KSMA the financial feasibility for the development strategy of Kyiv until 2025


    A working meeting held on 3 June 2011 at the Kyiv State Municipal Administration presented the financial feasibility developed by MFSI for the development strategy of the City of Kyiv until 2025. The meeting’s participants included the General Financial Department and General Economic and Investments Department, MFSI, and USAID Projects Coordinator A.V. Nesterenko.

    The meeting presented the methodology and calculations for the expected volume of the City of Kyiv’s budget resources through 2014. The methodology proposed was approved as a whole. Based on the meeting’s findings the participants resolved:

- next week, the General Financial Department and General Economic and Investments Department are to provide IBSER with the additional information required to refine the calculations of expected receipts from the real estate property tax and the volume of capital investments;

-  IBSER and the General Financial Department are to submit the methodology to the Head of Kyiv State Municipal Administration, O.P. Popov, once the methodology is finalized.

   The calculation of expected budget resources constitutes the basis for improving the City Strategy by 2025, and, accordingly, provides grounds for defining specific projects and objects and the number of years required for their implementation.