Regional PPB Trainings

Regional PPB Trainings
22 July 2011

PPB Trainings for New Budgets Series Completed

    The MFSI Project, working with the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, has completed a series of trainings and consultations on the guideline materials for implementing the Performance Program Budgeting method for the formulation and execution of local budgets for new participants of the PPB experiment at the local level. which were delivered in the period of June and July 2011 in four pilot oblasts
     The workshop participants included staff from
about 800 key spending units as well as specialists from the Finance Directorates of the cities and all districts in Lviv, Zhytomyr, and Luhansk oblasts, and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, who have just entered the PPB experiment.
      The trainings covered the following main issues:
- tasks and activities of PPB implementation at the local level;
- PPB for the formulation and execution of local budgets: Overview;
- key preconditions for PPB implementation: Strategic planning and medium-term budget planning;
- a budget program and performance indicators of budget programs;
- filling out budget requests for preparing a draft local budget for the planning year using PPB;
- requirements for preparing a budget program passport; monitoring and reviewing the implementation of budget programs;
- responsible implementers of budget programs and special features of their participation in the budget process.
      The Budget Institute is doing this work as part of its activities under the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI) Project supported by USAID, pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Finance No.805 dated 2 August 2010.