Training Delivered for Staff of Municipal Utilities

Training Delivered for Staff of Municipal Utilities
20 December 2011
  Workshops were held on 19 and 20 December for representatives of the municipal utilities that receive any type of funding from the municipal budget, as well as representatives of the Kyiv city government’s key spending units and lower-level spending units responsible for issues within the activity areas of the above utilities. The workshops were designed to improve the efficiency of municipal utilities’ financial planning in the context of city development priorities by identifying efficient sources for the financing of plans and covering medium-term planning issues with elements of Performance Program Budgeting.
   The participants learned about the medium-term management of funds. In particular, they learned mechanisms for ensuring the interrelation among budget programs, the City Development Strategy and targeted programs  which would ensure reflecting the annual level of achieved strategic objectives when implementing budget programs, and ensure the consistency of the steps towards achieving these objectives. In addition, the training participants familiarized themselves with the methods of medium-term expenditure planning. This knowledge will be used by spending units when planning their budgets for the two budget periods following the planning period as required by the Budget Code. The use of medium-term expenditure planning will provide the financial foundation for implementing the City Development Strategy and improving the efficiency of use of budget resources through their concentration on clearly set priorities.
   The knowledge acquired in the course of the training will help Kyiv’s municipal utilities in developing their investment projects, especially in the area of energy efficiency and energy performance, the implementation of which would reduce energy costs by up to 25% per year.