The Interdepartmental Working Group

The Interdepartmental Working Group
08 June 2012

Meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group

   A regular meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Implementation of Performance Program Budgeting Method for Planning and Execution of Local Budgets took place on June 7, 2012, at the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. MFSI-II provided support.
    Heads of organizational departments of the Ministry of Finance and branch ministries along with MFSI-II experts took part in the meeting.
   The participants discussed conceptual areas of changes to be made in Typical Lists of Budget Programs and Deliverables as approved by joint orders of the Ministry of Finance and relevant branch ministries. Proposals from MFSI-II regarding the further improvement of the PPB regulatory framework were also given consideration. In particular, the participants considered the issue of the “subprogram” element implementation and the optimization of the budget programs and deliverables structure.
   The implementation of these proposals will enable the improvement of the quality of budget program development, provide the basis for efficiency evaluation and would promote local budget development using the PPB method throughout the country.