Interregional Consulting Meetings

Interregional Consulting Meetings
21 September 2012

 Interregional Consulting Meeting in Kirovohrad

   Experts of the MFSI-II Project  supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are continuing to actively implement the Performance Program Budgeting method of planning and execution of local budgets.
   An interregional consulting meeting for coordinators of PPB implementation at the level of local budgets was held in Kirovohrad on 19 September 2012. Its 44 participants included PPB implementation coordinators from Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhya, Vinnytsya, Poltava, and Cherkasy oblasts, heads of structural units from the Kirovohrad Oblast State Administration Principal Finance Directorate and Finance Directorates of oblast-significant cities, as well as the representatives of key spending units of the Kirovohrad Oblast budget.
   At the meeting, the participants shared their experiences of PPB implementation in local budgets, considered the practical aspects of implementing Phase III of PPB implementation, and familiarized themselves with the directions of local-level PPB optimization.
   This event continues a series of interregional consulting meetings for PPB implementation coordinators.