Meeting of the National Advisory Board

Meeting of the National Advisory Board
26 December 2012
Meeting of the National Advisory Board
Topical Issues of Effective Public Finance Management Discussed in Kyiv


   A regular meeting of the National Advisory Board (NAB) on the issues of effective public finance management was held on 25 December 2012. The event was conducted as part of implementation of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Project (MFSI-II) Roll-out realized by the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research with support from USAID.
   The meeting was joined by the representatives of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Kyiv City State Administration, and leading academics.
   At the meeting, the participants discussed the key directions ahead for the experiment of implementing the Performance Program Budgeting method at the level of local budgets in 2013, highlighted the results of the evaluation of the PPB implementation experiment, and set out further ways of conducting the preparatory work required for introducing treasury servicing for PPB-based local budgets.
   Based on the meeting results, the participants laid down the key areas for developing and improving the PPB methodological framework in 2013.