Interdepartmental Working Group

Interdepartmental Working Group
24 January 2013
Scheduled Meeting of Interdepartmental Working Group
    A meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group for conducting the preparatory work for developing the methodological principles of implementing the Performance Program Budgeting method for the formulation and execution of local budgets took place at the offices of the State Treasury Service on 24 January 2013. The meeting was attended by the MFSI-II Project, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the State Treasury Service.
The meeting focused on topical issues related to improving the performance of the treasury servicing of PPB-based budgets. In particular, the issue was raised of report generation on the execution of local budgets based on the codes of program classification of expenditures and the crediting of local budgets.
The resolution of these issues would make it possible to ensure the transparency of local budget execution, improve treasury procedures, and promote the accessibility of budget information.