IBSER Proposals were approved

IBSER Proposals were approved
13 February 2013
Ministry of Finance Approves IBSER Proposals Regarding the Evaluation of Budget Program Performance
   The methodology for the comparative analysis of budget program performance developed by MFSI-II has been approved by the Ministry of Finance and communicated to all participants in the experiment (MOF Letter of 13 February 2013, No. 31-05010-14-8/4651). It is recommended for use by all spending units of local budgets when evaluating the performance of their budget programs.
   The methodology provides for identifying the same criteria for the degree of efficiency of typical budget programs, enables a unified performance evaluation of all budget spending units, and employs the same formula-based calculation algorithm. This will enable the automation of evaluation results aggregation and ensure the comparison of the evaluation results from all required perspectives.
   The methodology will be used for the first time by experiment participants for the performance evaluation of their budget programs that were implemented in 2012.