The Seventh Annual Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Congress

The Seventh Annual Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Congress
09 July 2013
The Seventh Annual Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Congress
IBSER Attends the Seventh Annual Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Congress
   Upon invitation from the Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Club, the MFSI-II Project took part in the Seventh Annual Pan-Ukraine Accountants’ Congress, which took place in Bukovel, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, on 5 through 9 July 2013.
The Congress was attended by about 300 participants, including representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers; ministries of finance, revenues, social policy, health, and culture; State Treasury Service; State Financial Inspectorate, the  Pension Fund, and the civil sector.
   The participants focused on how to optimize budget policy, efficiently use budget funds including budget planning using PPB, the organization of internal audits and control and auditing work etc.
   The Project took an active part in discussing these issues and delivered a presentation titled Implementation of a Fully Functional Program Performance Budgeting for Local Budgets Starting in 2014. The Congress participants showed their interest in the Institute’s positive experience in implementing PPB at the local level and engaged in a lively discussion and question-and-answer session on the matter of transferring local budgets to Performance Program Budgeting as of 1 January 2014.