The Training

The Training
11 July 2013
The Training
MFSI-II Expands Activities to Ensure Institutional Sustainability of PPB Training Programs


   At the request of the Kyiv City State Administration (KCSA), on 10 July 2013, the MFSI-II Project conducted the first workshop at the Kyiv Center for Retraining and Qualifications Improvement for the Staff of State Authorities, Local Governments, State Enterprises, Institutions, and Organizations. The workshop was designed to support PPB implementation in the city of Kyiv and train the Center’s trainers.
   The workshop was also attended by the heads and specialists of budgetary organizations from the municipality, and in particular those from the Finance Department who will be subsequently delivering training sessions on practical PPB implementation as part of the existing professional program of qualifications improvement at the Center.
   This will ensure KCSA’s institutional sustainability in terms of delivering PPB training programs and will enable local government staff to improve their level of knowledge in these issues.