07 October 2013
A Meeting of the National Advisory Board
   A meeting of the National Advisory Board (NAB) on efficient public finance management was held as part of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Roll-out (MFSI-II) Project on 4 October 2013. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada Budget Committee, State Treasury Service, local finance body heads, academia, the international expert community, civil sector, and other leading experts in the field of regional and local development.
   The participants discussed the improvement of the regulatory legal and methodological framework of PPB.
The Project submitted for discussion Project-developed amendments to the standard budget programs list and proposals on optimizing their performance indicators.  
   Also, the Project suggested a full-scale implementation of PPB methodology when formulating the budget programs aimed at improving the environmental situation in the regions and the health of the population. To this end, the Project has developed budget program performance indicators. These indicators will make it possible to assess the actual impact of the funds used upon the health of the environment and the populace in the regions, and thus make correct managerial decisions.
   In addition, Project proposals with regard to passing amendments to the Budget Code of Ukraine were considered. These amendments would enable problem issues emerging for Ukrainian towns trying to attract credit resources to be normalized.
   As the result of the discussion, the participants supported all the proposals and groundwork prepared by the Project. They suggested that the work be reviewed by the Interdepartmental Task Force and enter them into the Ministry of Finance monitored assignment list.
   These changes will make it possible to assure better formulated local budgets, improve their transparency and efficiency, and contribute to improving the environmental situation and health of the nation.