MFSI-II Took Part in USAID Field Day Fair in Lviv

MFSI-II Took Part in USAID Field Day Fair in Lviv
26 August 2014
MFSI-II Took Part in USAID Field Day Fair in Lviv
   The USAID Field Day information fair was held in Lviv on 24 August 2014. The event was organized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and devoted to the Ukraine Independence Day celebrations.
   The event participants included projects and organizations, which collaborate with USAID and implement projects both in Lviv and in neighboring local communities.
   Among others, experts of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative Project Roll-out (MFSI-II) took part in the information fair. Visitors to the fair learned from the MFSI-II Project experts about the principles of municipal budget formation and the benefits of using the Performance Program Budgeting method in the budget process, received professional advice on energy conservation and energy efficiency, and were familiarized with practical steps on how they could influence the formation of their municipal budget.