30 September 2014
National Advisory Board Meeting
   On September 29, 2014, the National Advisory Board (NAB) held a meeting on effective pubic finance management under the aegis of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II) Roll-Out. The meeting was attended by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, State Treasury Service of Ukraine, Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on budget issues, local financial authorities, academia and the international expert community. 
   At the meeting the participants discussed key provisions of the bill on Changes to the Budget Code of Ukraine (as regards international relations reform) and the bill on Changes to the Tax Code of Ukraine. Representatives of local financial authorities expressed their opinions on how legislative initiatives influence the development of local governments at local levels. The meeting participants noted that government decentralization and local government reform would promote opportunities and increase the resources of territorial communities, and contribute to better territory development and welfare.
   Based on the discussion results, the members of the meeting decided to prepare and provide the interested parties with advice on further improvements for legislative standards.