At the request of the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and under the chairmanship of the leading international expert Anthony John Wiggins, Vyacheslav Zubenko and other IBSER experts conducted an assessment of Khmelnytskyi by the PEFA methodology.
Based on the results of the study, a report on the evaluation of public financial management system (PFM) of the city of Khmelnytskyi based on the methodology of the Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) system with amendments of 2016 was presented. The report is intended to be considered in conjunction with the PEFA parallel reports, which cover the other three levels of subnational authorities - oblast, rayon and the amalgamated territorial hromada - in order to provide a comprehensive picture of PFM at all levels of subnational authorities, for the preparation of a general document on possible future improvements that could be implemented in the context of the new PFM reform plan for the period from 2020.
This work is commissioned by the Swiss Secretariat of State for Economic Affairs (SECO) after discussions was representatived of the Government of Ukraine and other major development partners, the World Bank (WB) (which conducts regional and district assessments) and the European Union (EU), who has ordered a report on the evaluation of the amalgamated territorial hromada.
The report was prepared in accordance with a Concept Note on the same lines as those prepared for the other assessments. The final report will take into account comments on the draft report from the PEFA Secretariat and other national and international stakeholders.
The results of the evaluation was focused on whether the city has appropriate systems in place to ensure the adherence of overall fiscal discipline, the strategic allocation of resources and their effective use to provide services. A summary of the results for the individual elements of the PFM systems - component by component - will be presented in the document.