General Meeting of the Institute

General Meeting of the Institute
11 February 2010
General Meeting of the All-Ukrainian NGO “IBSER”

     A regular General Meeting of the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER) All-Ukrainian Non-governmental Organization (AUNGO) took place at the IBSER office on 11 February 2010.
     The meeting agenda included the following:
          - IBSER 2009 annual report and organization’s plan of activity for 2010;
          - election of organization’s General Director and members of the Board of Directors;
          - report of IBSER Supervisory Board for 2009.
     On the first issue, the organization members heard and approved the IBSER 2009 annual report and familiarized themselves with organization’s plans for 2010. The meeting participants spoke approvingly about the results achieved and unanimously gave high marks to the efforts of the Institute's team in implementing the tasks of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative project supported by USAID.
     The organization members have also approved achievements of Institute’s experts in implementing the two international projects completed in 2009. Those involved IBSER’s work on the project "Experience of Fiscal Decentralization in Slovakia for Ukraine" under the “East-East: Partnership Without Borders” program financed by the International Renaissance Foundations, as well as the project "Improving Competitiveness of Cross-Border Territories" implemented jointly with M.E.S.A.10 Center for Economic and Social Research under support from Slovak AID.
     In addition, according to the organizational Statute and as part of the second issue of the Agenda, election of members of the Board and General Director took place at the General Meeting. Based on the ballot results, Iryna Shcherbyna was re-elected for the second term to serve as Institute’s General Director, with Olena Kotlyarska, Vira Illyash, and Artem Rudyk elected as Directors.
     Vyacheslav Zubenko, chairman of Supervisory Board, presented the final item on the Agenda. He familiarized the General Meeting members with the results of Supervisory Board activities in 2009. The organization members have approved unanimously the performance of the newly elected Supervisory Board, whose first meeting took place on 28 January 2010. The following membership of the AUNGO IBSER Supervisory Board was approved:
     Chairperson of Supervisory Board:
     Ella Libanova, Director, Institute of Demography and Social Studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of UNAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor.
     Supervisory Board Members: 
          1. Anatoliy Maksyuta, First Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine;
          2. David Darby, PhD, leading international expert on public finance;
          3. Robert Bodo, expert of Municipal Heating Reform Project in Ukraine, Chief of Party, RTI, USA;
          4. Vyacheslav Zubenko, Deputy General Director, Head of IBSER PPB and Training Programs Department.