PPB Trainings-Consultations

PPB Trainings-Consultations
19 March 2010
IBSER continues providing consultations on PPB issues in the regions

     IBSER is continuing its efforts towards implementing the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method for planning and execution of local budgets in Zhytomyr, Lviv, Lugansk regions and the AR of Crimea, which is one of the key components of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative project under the USAID support.
     As part of the MFSI project’s efforts towards PPB implementing at the local level, IBSER experts continued delivering the round of training workshops/providing consultations on the issues related to budget program development in the Education, Housing and Communal, Healthcare sectors for 2010 intended for specialists of Lviv and Zhytomyr regions responsible for planning, development, and implementation of budget programs in the above-mentioned sectors for the year 2010.
     In particular, 3 training workshops/consultations were held in Lviv and Lviv oblast in the period 16-19 March, 2010. Specifically, one training workshop/consultation was held in Lviv on 16 March, 2010. The training was focused on the issues of developing budget programs in Housing and Communal sector for 2010 and gathered the representatives of the key spending units, lower-level spending units, and the staff of the Lviv City Executive Committee Finance Directorate who are coordinating the activities in this sector.
     Next training workshop/consultation was delivered in Morshin city (Lviv oblast) on 17 March, 2010 for specialists responsible for planning, development, and implementation of budget programs in the Housing & Communal, Education and Healthcare sectors for the year 2010.
     One more training/consultation was held in Zhydachiv rayon (Lviv oblast) on 19 March, 2010 for specialists responsible for planning, development, and implementation of budget programs in the Education and Healthcare sectors for the year 2010.
     Later, a similar training workshop/consultation was held in Zhytomyr on 25 March, 2010 for specialists of Zhytomyr City Financial and Education Departments responsible for planning, development, and implementation of budget programs in the above-mentioned sectors.