Press tour in Lviv oblast

Press tour in Lviv oblast
31 May 2011
Press tour in Lviv oblast

Journalists learned the outcome of PPB in Lviv Oblast


   On 31 May, 2011,IBSER and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine highlighted the implementation of Performance Program Budgeting in Lviv Oblast with a press tour. The tour, which included 18 journalists from around the Oblast as well as national media, showcased actual municipal-level authorities that had implemented projects through the use of PPB. 

    The tour included a meeting of the Lviv press club, which was attended by the Ministry of Finance, IBSER, General Financial Department of Lviv Oblast State Administration, sectoral departments of the Lviv Oblast State Administration, and managers of Lviv Oblast budget-funded entities.

    After the meeting the journalists travelled to municipalities in Lviv Oblast to see for themselves the positive effects of  using best financial planning practice and effective management based on progressive methodology (PPB).

    In particular, participants visited:

- Central municipal hospital, town of Stryi;

- Comprehensive 1-3 grade school, village of Nezhukhiv;

- Art school, town of Morshyn.

    The journalists met the Stryi’s and Morshyn’s heads of financial and line departments, who explained the steps and specific results of PPB implementation in their education and health care sectors.

    Implementing PPB in Stryi’s education sector in resulted in the recognition of the Energy Saving program as a priority which was implemented in district schools during 2009-2010. The primary tasks included the  renovation of boiler plants and replacement of existing windows with energy saving ones. In 2010 windows were replaced in 19 schools; lamps were replaced with energy saving versions, heating systems were replaced in 2 schools, automated operation of boiler plants were serviced and adjusted in 12 schools, at a total cost of UAH 651,000.

    In particular, the premises of Nezhukhiv comprehensive school were reconstructed with the putting into operation of a new boiler plant. The old boiler plant had consumed 57,800 m3of gas annually at a cost of UAH 203,000; after the reconstruction, consumption dropped to 25,000 m3 of gas, costing UAH 85.5 thousand and thus saving UAH 117,500 per heating season.

    Generally, energy saving measures in the district’s education facilities in 2010 enabled cost savings totaling UAH 374,000, which can be spent on developing the education sector instead. Expenditures per student fell considerably, but this is only the direct financial component of the project, as the conditions for learning and extracurricular activities became much more comfortable.

    Thus, implementation of PPB in the health care sector of the town of Stryi resulted in improved public health care by:

- purchasing new diagnostic and therapeutic equipment that raised the quality and timeliness of medical aid, reducing the term of treatment term and full-time clinic care;

- repair of health care institutions by  improving the conditions of those in health care institutions and shortening their stays;

- implementing energy saving technologies that enabled important costs saving in terms of heating, water supply and other technological needs.

    During 2007-2010 the town’s health care institutions received new equipment totaling UAH 2.6mn. The medical edical equipment in the maternity hospital has been practically replaced as well as much of the equipment in the central municipal and children' hospitals and the dental clinic.

    These changes improved the quality and timeliness of medical aid and reduced the average term of a patients stay from 13.6 to 11.6 man-days. Complications arising during artificial respiration were almost eliminated and postoperative complications were reduced by 2.4%. The infant morbidity rate decreased and infant physiological health level increased by 4.3 %. Primary disability retirement decreased from 60 to 52 (per 10,000 inhabitants).

    Implementing new perinatal technologies cut almost in half  the length of stay in the  maternity department. This alone generated an annual cost saving totaling UAH 138,000 in the health care budget.

    From 2007 to 2010 the municipal budget and other additionally involved financial resources allocated UAH 715,800 for the capital reconstruction of the maternity hospital heating pipeline, the reconstruction of the maternity welfare center heating system, repair of the children’ hospital water supply and sewage system, installation of energy saving windows in the central municipal hospital and so on. These measures resulted in the improvement of conditions of patients staying in health care institutions, raised the labor conditions for medical personnel, and the energy costs saving reached UAH 633,500.

    At the local budget level the work related to PPB implementation is performed in compliance with the Program of economic reforms of the President of Ukraine for 2010-2014 “Prosperous Society, Competitive Economy, Effective State”, new version of the Budget Code of Ukraine No. 2456-VI, dated July 8, 2010, and the Municipal Budget Reform Concept as approved by order No. 308-р of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 23, 2007 (as amended by order No. 1467 dated July 21, 2010). The MFSI project is implemented with the support of USAID.

   Press tour materials and the findings of mass media information monitoring are available on IBSER’s website in the “Events” heading of the “News and events” section.