Energy Saving Project of Lviv

Energy Saving Project of Lviv
03 December 2012
Energy Saving Project of Lviv

MFSI-II Aided the City of Lviv in Obtaining UAH 3mn Credit

   Thanks to collaboration between the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initiative (MFSI-II) Roll-out Project and the City of Lviv, the municipality will implement its energy saving project.
   The MFSI-II Project assisted the city in preparing draft City Council resolutions, applications to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for obtaining borrowing approvals, and other essential documents.
   This cooperation
has resulted in the signing of a credit agreement between the municipality and the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) to provide UAH 3 million to the city for financing the Joint Energy Saving Program in the City of Lviv project.
   The funds will
be used for upgrading city’s street lighting system and renovating municipal buildings. The plans include installing LED lights, replacing windows, improving the thermal insulation of pipelines, providing heat insulation of roofs and buildings, modernizing the heating system of buildings, and setting up a new heating point. The city is scheduled to receive the first tranche before the end of December 2012.
  Implementing the project will make enable the city to save 1113MWh of electric power, cut CO2 emissions by 512.8 tonnes and SO2 emissions by 30.8 tonnes per year.