
Trainings/consultations for the education, healthcare and housing & communal sectors' experts in Lviv
12 February 2010
     IBSER has been continuing its efforts of implementing the Performance Program Budgeting (PPB) method for planning and execution of local budgets, which is one of the key components of the Municipal Finance Strengthening Initi...More
11 February 2010
General Meeting of the All-Ukrainian NGO “IBSER”      A regular General Meeting of the Institute for Budgetary and Socio-Economic Research (IBSER) All-Ukrainian Non-governmental Organization (AUNGO) took place at the IBSER office...More
Expert working group - Municipal Development Institute
08 February 2010
IBSER experts have been included into the working group       On 1 February 2010, IBSER specialists were incorporated into an expert working group on the issues of social protection of users of district heating services and protec...More
Working meeting
04 February 2010
Working meeting in IBSER      As part of the MFSI project’s implementation, IBSER continues working to develop and implement innovative financial mechanisms for realization of energy-conservation projects in Ukrainian cities. Thu...More
02 February 2010
IBSER experts’ proposals are included into the draft law      The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Tax and Customs Policy has extended its sincere gratitude (a letter of thanks enclosed) to IBSER experts for the proactive stance taken ...More
Proposals to the draft law - Budget-2010
22 January 2010
MinFin Supports IBSER Proposals for Budget Code      At the end of January 2010, as part of implementation of the MFSI Project component devoted to the development and introduction of innovative financial mechanisms for implement...More
Seminar at the World Bank offices
21 January 2010
Discussion on Public Private Partnership issues at the World Bank, Kyiv      As part of implementation of the MFSI component related to researching and piloting the innovative mechanisms of financing for implementation of munici...More